Movie Making

Here are examples of short films that tell stories in a variety of ways:

The Power of Photography

Vietnamese Coffee: A Documentary

A Pep Talk from Kid President


Plan before the camera rolls! Think about:

  • The purpose of your film. What is your film about? Do you want to teach someone a skill? Inspire people with your message? Share information? Interview someone?

  • Your script. Identify the setting (including the time of day), characters, the crisis, the climax and the resolution. Use this storyboard template to plan your story.

  • The visuals you will need to capture to set your scene. What kind of photos will you need? Videos? Do you need both types of media to tell your story?


It's time to film! Let's explore the different ways you can capture images or do your video recording. See if you can list the shot types and angles in the video below:

Establishing Shot

Wide Shot, aka Long Shot

Medium Shot

Close Up Shot

Eyeball Closeup by Unsplash (Public Domain)


Here are some tools to help you record and edit your videos:

  • iPad's Camera app - film in landscape, and make sure to keep your camera still while capturing your video. Learn to focus your device by touching the screen and holding it until AE/AF lock is displayed on the screen.

  • iMovie (iPad version)

  • Greenscreen by DoInk app (iPad) - film directly from this app if you are interested in using the green screen to create backgrounds for your film.

  • ES Tech Sound Effects in Google Drive - in your Google Drive, go to Shared With Me and search for the ES Tech Sound Effects folder. Once you find it, click it once (without opening it) and press "Add To Drive". To use the audio files here, select a soundtrack, click "Open In..." and then choose the iMovie app.

Film Making Challenge

Create a film that ...

  1. has a clear storyline.

  2. is 30 sec - 1 1/2 minutes long.

  3. has a maximum of 5-7 videos, using the following shot types: establishing shot, wide shot, medium shot, close up and/or extreme closeup. You may use additional photos in your film.

  4. has at least 1 soundtrack to help set the mood for your movie.

  5. has been saved in an .mp4 format in your iPad device.